Mobile manipulation is a robotics paradigm with the potential to make major contributions to a number of important domain areas. Although some mobile manipulators are commercially available, bespoke systems can be assembled from existing and separate mobile, manipulation, and vision components. This has the benefit of reusing existing hardware, at a lower cost, to produce a customised platform. In this paper we introduce CHAMP, the CSIR Hybrid Autonomous Manipulation Platform, and describe the required integration of a Barrett Whole Arm Manipulator, a PowerBot AGV, and the necessary sensors. The described integration includes both the hardware and the software.
Van Eden, B, Rosman, B.S., Withey, D.J., Ratshidaho, T, Keaikitse, M, Masha, D, Kleinhans, A and Shaik, A. 2014. CHAMP: A bespoke integrated system for mobile manipulation. In: Joint conference of the 25th annual symposium of the Pattern Recognition Association of South Africa (PRASA), 6th Workshop on African Language Technology (AfLaT) and 7th Robotics and Mechatronics (RobMech) Conference of South Africa AH, Cape Town, 27 to 28 November 2014
Van Eden, B., Rosman, B. S., Withey, D. J., Ratshidaho, T., Keaikitse, M., Masha, D., ... Shaik, A. (2014). CHAMP: A bespoke integrated system for mobile manipulation. RobMech.
Van Eden, B, Benjamin S Rosman, Daniel J Withey, T Ratshidaho, M Keaikitse, D Masha, A Kleinhans, and A Shaik. "CHAMP: A bespoke integrated system for mobile manipulation." (2014):
Van Eden B, Rosman BS, Withey DJ, Ratshidaho T, Keaikitse M, Masha D, et al, CHAMP: A bespoke integrated system for mobile manipulation; RobMech; 2014. .
Joint conference of the 25th annual symposium of the Pattern Recognition Association of South Africa (PRASA), 6th Workshop on African Language Technology (AfLaT) and 7th Robotics and Mechatronics (RobMech) Conference of South Africa AH, Cape Town, 27 to 28 November 2014