Nanostructured lithium titanates (Li(sub4)Ti(sub5)O(sub12)) have been intensively investigated as anode materials of Li-ion batteries due to their many advantages, such as excellent performance, outstanding safety, and excellent cycle life. This chapter firstly focuses on the crystal structure and lithium intercalation/de-intercalation mechanism of LTO, subsequently, the present status of nano-LTO including the synthesis method and structural design. Secondly, it is devoted to discussion of LTO battery performance and design,gasing mechanisms and how to suppress gasing generation. Finally, the outlook and perspective for application of LTO is outlined.
Wen, L., Luo, H-Z., Liu, G-Y., et al. 2016. Nanostructured lithium titanates (Li4Ti5O12) for lithium-ion batteries. In: Oezomena, K.I. and Chen, S. (eds). 2016. Nanomaterials in Advanced Batteries and Supercapacitors, p. 127-169. DOI:10.1007/978-3-319-26082-2_5
Wen, L., Luo, H., Liu, G., & Zheng, H. (2016). Nanostructured lithium titanates (Li4Ti5O12) for lithium-Ion batteries., Worklist;17809 Springer.
Wen, L, Honqze Luo, G-Y Liu, and Haitao Zheng. "Nanostructured lithium titanates (Li4Ti5O12) for lithium-ion batteries" In WORKLIST;17809, n.p.: Springer. 2016.
Wen L, Luo H, Liu G, Zheng H. Nanostructured lithium titanates (Li4Ti5O12) for lithium-ion batteries.. Worklist;17809. [place unknown]: Springer; 2016. [cited yyyy month dd].
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