Most, if not all, of the recommendations contained in this State of the Coast Report, relies on two cross-cutting and fundamental qualities. Firstly, managers, decision- and policy-makers and the various end-users have access to the products of scientific research in order to wisely govern and manage the use and exploitation of resources. In this context, data, information and knowledge are the basis for realising the benefit of an Ocean Economy. Secondly, both the management of resources and the underpinning knowledge base relies on the availability of people with the appropriate capability to be responsible custodians of such resources. Accordingly, education, awareness and training offer a long-term solution for the sustainable development of a coastal and ocean economy.
Francis, J., Celliers, L. and Rosendo, S. 2015. Coastal and marine research and capacity building. In: UNEP-Nairobi Convention and WIOMSA. 2015. The Regional State of the Coast Report: Western Indian Ocean. UNEP and WIOMSA, Nairobi, Kenya, p. 473-527
Francis, J., Celliers, L., & Rosendo, S. (2015). Coastal and marine research and capacity building., Worklist;18425 United Nations Environment Programme ; Nairobi Convention Secretariat.
Francis, J, Louis Celliers, and S Rosendo. "Coastal and marine research and capacity building" In WORKLIST;18425, n.p.: United Nations Environment Programme ; Nairobi Convention Secretariat. 2015.
Francis J, Celliers L, Rosendo S. Coastal and marine research and capacity building.. Worklist;18425. [place unknown]: United Nations Environment Programme ; Nairobi Convention Secretariat; 2015. [cited yyyy month dd].