In this chapter the authors explore two elements which arguably underlie all aspects of sustainability science, namely: an emphasis on the relationships between social, ecological and economic aspects in a systemic view of the world (section 14.2); and the adoption of a transdisciplinary approach to conducting research related to social-ecological systems (section 14.3). Links are drawn within the chapter between these elements of sustainability science and their possible application in sustainability assessment.
Audouin, M., Burns, M., Weaver, A., Le Maitre, D.C., O’Farrell, P.J., Du Toit, R. and Nel, J. 2015. An introduction to sustainability science and its links to sustainability assessment. In: Morrison-Saunders, A, Pope, J and Bond, A. eds. Handbook of Sustainability Assessment. UK: Edward Elgar, p.p. 321-345
Audouin, M. A., Burns, M., Weaver, A., Le Maitre, D. C., O'Farrell, P. J., du Toit, R., & Nel, J. (2015). An introduction to sustainability science and its links to sustainability assessment., Workflow;16082 Edward Elgar.
Audouin, Michelle A, M Burns, A Weaver, David C Le Maitre, Patrick J O'Farrell, R du Toit, and J Nel. "An introduction to sustainability science and its links to sustainability assessment" In WORKFLOW;16082, n.p.: Edward Elgar. 2015.
Audouin MA, Burns M, Weaver A, Le Maitre DC, O'Farrell PJ, du Toit R, et al. An introduction to sustainability science and its links to sustainability assessment.. Workflow;16082. [place unknown]: Edward Elgar; 2015. [cited yyyy month dd].
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