As unmanned aircraft are introduced into civil airspace, a framework for training and licencing of dispatch and operating staff will be required. This paper assesses existing pilot training unit standards and proposes a framework within which staff can be trained and licenced. The result is a list of useable unit standards, a list of new standards to be developed and a list of standards that can be used in modified form. Based on an analysis of South African, European and American licencing regimes, the FAA’s Flight Dispatcher Certificate is deemed to be a suitable framework for licencing staff for autonomous unmanned aircraft.
Burger, CR and Jones, T. Adapting existing training standards for unmanned aircraft: finding ways to train staff for unmanned aircraft operations. International Aerospace Symposium of South Africa (IASSA), Centurion, South Africa, 26-28 September 2011
Burger, C. R., & Jones, T. (2011). Adapting existing training standards for unmanned aircraft: finding ways to train staff for unmanned aircraft operations. IASSA.
Burger, Christiaan R, and T Jones. "Adapting existing training standards for unmanned aircraft: finding ways to train staff for unmanned aircraft operations." (2011):
Burger CR, Jones T, Adapting existing training standards for unmanned aircraft: finding ways to train staff for unmanned aircraft operations; IASSA; 2011. .