The “Internet of Things” is the phenomenon of more and more “things” being connected to the Internet (as opposed to people getting connected to the Internet). Although the concept of “Internet of Things” includes bidirectional access (“things” giving information about themselves and people or software then controlling those “things”), creating “things” that “tweet” is a common first step in joining the growing “Internet of Things”. This paper discusses a project where researchers in South Africa attempted to get a wide variety of “things” to “tweet” there statuses automatically
Butgereit, L, Coetzee, L, Hay, J, et al. 2011. RSAWORKS: things that “Tweet” in South Africa. ICCIR 2011, International Conference on Computing and ICT Research. Kampala, Uganda, 7-9 August 2011, pp 11
Butgereit, L., Coetzee, L., Hay, J., Hugo, J., & Gush, K. L. (2011). RSAWORKS: things that “Tweet” in South Africa.
Butgereit, L, L Coetzee, J Hay, J Hugo, and Kim L Gush. "RSAWORKS: things that “Tweet” in South Africa." (2011):
Butgereit L, Coetzee L, Hay J, Hugo J, Gush KL, RSAWORKS: things that “Tweet” in South Africa; 2011. .