The Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), the DoE and Eskom have jointly developed the South African Renewable Energy Resource Database. Since the wind resource database is not accurate enough the Global Environmental Facility and the Danish Government are funding a three year project to develop an accurate wind resource map for the coastal regions of South Africa. Two wind/PV based pilot hybrid mini-grid energy systems have been implemented in the Wild Coast of the Eastern Cape Province. These two wind/PV minigrids were implemented to provide the learning and experience for wind and other forms of renewable energy based systems to compliment the grid connected electrification programme. The CSIR, together with the then DME and the City of Cape Town investigated the feasibility of large wind turbines. This resulted in Eskom implementing its wind energy scheme at Klipheuwel near Cape Town. Even although the South African wind resource is not yet fully quantified it is recognised that the wind resource ranges from poor to moderate and the CSIR has designed and built wind turbines to operate in moderate wind conditions. This paper will provide an overview of wind energy activities at the CSIR
Szewczuk, S. 2010. Review of wind energy activities at the CSIR. 18th Conference on the Domestic Use of Energy, Cape Town, 29-31 March 2010, pp 181-189
Szewczuk, S. (2010). Review of wind energy activities at the CSIR. Domestic Use of Energy 2010.
Szewczuk, S. "Review of wind energy activities at the CSIR." (2010):
Szewczuk S, Review of wind energy activities at the CSIR; Domestic Use of Energy 2010; 2010. .
Author:Abu-Mahfouz, Adnan MI; Olwal, TO; Kurien, AM; Munda, JL; Djouani, KDate:Sep 2015The design of innovative technological instruments and frameworks for smart energy management is a challenge for countries across the world, and the creation of a 'Smart Grid' still has unresolved research and development (R&D) problems. The ...Read more
Author:Musango, JK; Brent, AC; Bassi, ADate:Jul 2009This paper provides a South African energy model that was developed as a first step towards a comprehensive Threshold 21 model for South Africa. The energy sector consists of five sub-models, which are structured around the supply and demand ...Read more
Author:CSIRDate:Jun 2009Energy is a key economic and environmental driver. South Africa, with a large endowment of coal, has an electricity production system that is highly carbon intensive. It generates two-thirds of Africa's electricity, approximately 90% of which ...Read more