There is a need in South Africa for institutional innovations aimed at increasing the coverage and reliability of water services, and sustaining those services. The paper describes an alternative service delivery institutional concept, viz the franchising of the operation and maintenance of water services, and outlines the need to formulate a franchise model that could be developed and made available to emerging entrepreneurs as the basis of a viable business. The franchise would be in respect of components of the water services value chain that are suitable for small business in that they can be readily systematised
Wall, K, Bhagwan, J and Ive, O. 2007. Franchising - a partnership model for efficient water services operation and maintenance. 4th IWA Specialist Conference on the Efficient Use and Management of Urban Water Supply, Jeju Island, Korea, 21 – 23 May 2007, pp 867 - 876
Wall, K., Bhagwan, J., & Ive, O. (2007). Franchising - a partnership model for efficient water services operation and maintenance.
Wall, K, J Bhagwan, and O Ive. "Franchising - a partnership model for efficient water services operation and maintenance." (2007):
Wall K, Bhagwan J, Ive O, Franchising - a partnership model for efficient water services operation and maintenance; 2007. .
Author:Duncker, Louiza CDate:Jul 2015In South Africa, the current norms and standards for levels of water services have, over the last few decades, inadvertently focused on addressing water services in urban areas. The Minister responsible for water and sanitation initiated the ...Read more
Author:Herold, C; Wall, K; Botha, DDate:28 Jan 2009There is currently a high level of public interest in water-related matters, and the government is clearly concerned about a number of important water and sanitation issues. Increasing water scarcity and equitably allocating this precious ...Read more