The military’s decision to move from proprietary software to commercially available software leaves the military’s Information Technology security vulnerable and potentially unprotected. To be sufficiently prepared to these threats, the military should establish a Computer Security Incident Response Team (CSIRT). This will allow them to protect against and respond to, threats to their information infrastructure
Robertson, J and Lessing, M, Nare S. 2008. Preparedness and response to cyber threats require a CSIRT. IFIP TC9 Workshop on ICT Uses in Warfare and the Safeguarding of Peace, Pretoria, South Africa, 24 July, pp 84-94.
Robertson, J., Lessing, M., & Nare, S. (2008). Preparedness and response to cyber threats require a CSIRT.
Robertson, J, M Lessing, and S Nare. "Preparedness and response to cyber threats require a CSIRT." (2008):
Robertson J, Lessing M, Nare S, Preparedness and response to cyber threats require a CSIRT; 2008. .