There is a need for institutional innovations aimed at increasing the coverage and reliability of water services, and sustaining those services, while improving compliance. This paper describes WRC development of an alternative institutional concept, which is franchising partnerships for the operation and maintenance of water services. It describes the formulation of franchise models that could be developed and made available to emerging entrepreneurs as the basis of viable businesses, and describes an environment to facilitate this, and how franchising partnerships would bring improved skills levels to bear at local level where needed
Wall K, Bhagwan J and Ive O. 2008. Unlocking the potential of franchising partnerships to improve water service compliance. Confluence of the water industry. Water Institute of Southern Africa (WISA) Biennial Conference 2008, Sun City, South Africa, May 18-22, pp 8.
Wall, K., Bhagwan, J., & Ive, O. (2008). Unlocking the potential of franchising partnerships to improve water service compliance. Water Institute of Southern Africa (WISA).
Wall, K, J Bhagwan, and O Ive. "Unlocking the potential of franchising partnerships to improve water service compliance." (2008):
Wall K, Bhagwan J, Ive O, Unlocking the potential of franchising partnerships to improve water service compliance; Water Institute of Southern Africa (WISA); 2008. .