This paper describes the managerial approach and the process developed by the CSIR and the road authorities in managing the HVS projects and implementing the findings.The paper concludes with diagrammatic representation of the interactive process between research and practice towards credible technology enhancement and guidelines.
Kleyn, EG, Sadzik, ES and Rust, FC. 1999. Bridging the gap between APT results and practices. Divsional publication, DP-041, pp 21
Kleyn, E., Sadzik, E., & Rust, F. (1999). Bridging the gap between APT results and practices Retrieved from
Kleyn, EG, ES Sadzik, and FC Rust Bridging the gap between APT results and practices. 1999.
Kleyn E, Sadzik E, Rust F. Bridging the gap between APT results and practices. 1999 [cited yyyy month dd]. Available from: