Air quality data is currently collected, processed and archived by a number of independent institutes. No collaboration exists between these organisations and there is no provincial or national air quality data information system or archive. Information required to compile National or Provincial air quality status reports cannot easily be accessed. Data coverage in all Provinces other than Gauteng is inadequate to facilitate effective air quality management. Monitoring generally is limited to metropolitan and industrial areas and does not extend to rural areas. Monitoring is generally limited to a few pollutants, mostly SO2, NOx and PM. Monitoring networks are run by a wide range of independent agencies and there is no collaboration between networks
Naidoo, M, Zunckel, M, John, J and Taviv, I. 2006. Overview of ambient air quality monitoring in South Africa. NACA Conference, East London, South Africa, 18-19 Oct October, 2006, pp 19
Naidoo, M., Zunckel, M., John, J., & Taviv, I. (2006). Overview of ambient air quality monitoring in South Africa.
Naidoo, M, M Zunckel, J John, and I Taviv. "Overview of ambient air quality monitoring in South Africa." (2006):
Naidoo M, Zunckel M, John J, Taviv I, Overview of ambient air quality monitoring in South Africa; 2006. .