In this paper the development and testing of Cyber First Responder Process Flows is discussed. A generic process flow framework is presented and design principles and layout characteristics as well as important points within the process flows are discussed. The positive impact of the process flows during cyber forensic first responder training is then indicated. The hypotheses that the process flows will speed up a cyber forensic investigation, even for experienced cyber forensic investigators, was tested and confirmed. The use of the process flows during Cyber Forensics operations is indicated. The paper concludes that the process flows was shown to be beneficial to first responders performing cyber forensic search and seizures, indicates that future work regarding enhancement and customisation of the process flows may be required, and suggest the use of the process flows in electronic format coupled to a case management system.
Venter, JP. 2006. Process flows for cyber forensic training and operations. 2nd Annual IFIP WG 11.9 International Conference on Digital Forensics, Orlando, USA, 2006, 21p.
Venter, J. (2006). Process flows for cyber forensic training and operations.
Venter, JP. "Process flows for cyber forensic training and operations." (2006):
Venter J, Process flows for cyber forensic training and operations; 2006. .