Author:Uys, H; Biercuk, MJ; VanDevender, AP; Ospelkaus, C; Meiser, D; Ozeri, R; Bollinger, JJDate:Nov 2010The authors present theoretical and experimental studies of the decoherence of hyperfine ground-state superpositions due to elastic Rayleigh scattering of light off resonant with higher lying excited states. They demonstrate that under ...Read more
Author:Uys, H; Biercuk, M; Van Devender, AP; Ospelkaus, C; Meiser, D; Ozeri, R; Bollinger, JJDate:Sep 2010This paper investigates the decoherence of superpositions of hyperfine states of 9Be+ ions due to spontaneous scattering of off-resonant light. It was found that, contrary to conventional wisdom, elastic Raleigh scattering can have major ...Read more